Chiropractic Care
The diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the muscle and joints system, and the effects of these disorders on the nervous system and general health. There is an emphasis on manual treatments including spinal adjustment and other joint and soft-tissue manipulation.
Doctor of Chiropractic have completed four years of post-graduate training, encompassing 4,200 hours of specialized clinical education and are dedicated to providing you with exceptional care. With expertise in biomechanics, radiology, pathology, clinical diagnosis, and technique, you can trust that you’re in good hands. Experience an approach that enhances your overall well-being.

Chiropractors are spine experts! Chiropractor treatments, such as spinal manipulation or an adjustment has been shown to help reduce pain levels and speed up the healing process after an injury. Chiropractors are experts in assessing, diagnosing, and managing muscle, joint, and nerve-related conditions. Chiropractor care helps the healing process by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the spine segment, or tissue that may be affected or injured. In addition, research studies have found improvements with movement patterns and ranges of motion after patients had received chiropractic care. If you have joint pain or muscle aches, do not hesitate to book a Chiropractor consultation.

Your Body Network...

Treating Skeleton & Nervous System
Our main objective is to ensure that every nerve in your body is functioning at its best, allowing you to experience optimal health and vitality. Each nerve plays a crucial role in your daily life, from helping you see and move to supporting vital functions like your heartbeat and digestion. The brain serves as the control center for your body, sending vital messages through the spine and nerves to ensure every organ functions its best. We understand that even a slight misalignment in the spine can impact your overall health, limiting your body's potential. We are dedicated to restoring balance and harmony, helping you achieve optimal wellness and vitality. Join us a journey to wellness, where every aspect of your health is nurtured and supported.

Chiropractor Treatment List
Wellness means caring for your whole body, and Chiropractic Care is not just about spinal care, but about whole body care, offering treatments designed to promote harmony and balance. Experience a holistic approach where every service enhances your overall well-being.

sprains & strains
hip & knee pain
foot & ankle pain
elbow & wrist pain

acute pain
chronic pain

back pain
shoulder pain
postural dysfunction

bulging discs
herniated discs
pinched nerves

bone fractures
plus much more...
Initial Consultation & Session
Introduction to Chiropractic Care.
The initial consultation is approximately 45 minutes in duration. It includes a full case history, a physical examination, diagnosis, and treatment plan. You will be recommended an evidence-based treatment plan by Dr. Sonam Chahal that is specific to you and your condition. Ultimately, the decision will be yours with respect to the treatment you receive.
Duration / Price
45 min / $130
Chiropractor 30 min Session
Patient specific treatment.
A brief conversation at the start of your treatment to address any questions or concerns that you may have after your previous treatment. Your appointment will continue with your individualized therapeutic treatment plan. Treatment sessions will continue as deemed necessary based on your condition.
Duration / Price
30 min / $85
Chiropractor 45 min Session
Patient specific treatment.
This comprehensive chiropractic treatment session will be for patients who need treatment interventions on multiple body regions. A brief history will be taken to see how you feel after the first treatment and answer any questions or concerns that you may have. The appointment will continue with your individualized therapeutic treatment plan. Treatment sessions will continue as deemed necessary based on your condition.
Duration / Price
45 min / $105