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Fine Line Tattoo

Discover the Intricate World of Fine Line Tattoos

Welcome to our sanctuary of delicate artistry and subtle sophistication - where ink meets intricate finesse in the realm of fine line tattoos. Dive into a world where minimalist elegance and profound expression intertwine seamlessly, crafted by the hands of skilled artisans and ink enthusiasts alike.

Each design tells a unique story, whispered through intricate lines and subtle details, offering a glimpse into the soul of its wearer.

Whether you seek a whisper of ink to adorn your skin or yearn to embark on a transformative journey of self-expression, our spa is your sanctuary. Immerse yourself in the beauty of fine line tattoos, where simplicity meets complexity, and where artistry knows no bounds.

To book your tattoo please email with size preference, placement, a few photos or a description of what you're looking for

Additional Information You Should Know

  • To book an appointment an email consultation must be done with preference of size and design 24 hours prior to give artist time to draw design.

  • If you have dermatitis, a fresh sunburn, a fresh wound, or a cold sore, we cannot perform the treatment.

  • ​Before the treatment avoid sun tanning or tanning beds for two weeks.

  • Don’t scratch, pick or irritate the area.

  • Stay away from the sun and wear SPF once healed to minimize fading.

  • Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or AHA's can contribute to fading

  • Avoid excessive sweating, saunas, pools, hot tubs, and sunbathing for 1 week.

  • Five Senses has the right to refuse service to anyone that may have a contraindication. 

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